Exploring MASH & BOOL for Maya 2018
MASH is a plugin that has been with Maya for a while now. Developed by Mainframe - MASH adds a host of tools for speedy development of Motion Graphics similar to Cinema 4D - check out this video to get a flavour of what it can do >> link There is plenty of useful tutorials provided by them too. Finally had a few days free to play catch up with MASH and an additional plugin BOOL ( also developed by Mainframe ) , since they added Dynamics in the MAYA 2018 edition. Here's a few examples of what it can do : In the above example - this is made using the Audio and Trails Nodes to create a Plexus like network. The 360 render is achieved by using the new VR mode ( or spherical if your using 2017 ) in the Arnold options of your camera properties. This example uses the Flight Node - which mimics swarming, flocking and schooling of a group of objects. A Signal Noise Node was added to make it look like the paperplanes were being buffeted by the wind. The ba...