Serious Game for Geological Field Skills.

Over the last two years ( here and there ) , I have been involved in developing a serious game prototype for the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. This has entailed in producing an explorable virtual environment created with Unity, as part of a blended learning exercise to teach field work skills for Geology Students. It also informed my Research activity at Leeds College of Art.

This slideshare below - covers the background and scope of the project - and was used as part of our presentation at GeoSoc HEN Annual Meeting - Plymouth University - 21st/22nd January 2015 -

The latest version can be found here -  - please make sure you are using a computer, rather than a tablet device, and you download the unity plugin to allow you to play.

It is currently being used by students at University of Leeds, and two other institutions that we are aware of. So its nice to see that it is being adopted as an Open Educational Resource.