Tooling about with Tooll3 - realtime motion graphicss ( osc )

For the last few weeks - I've been exploring the amazing T3 - TOOLL 3.9 - TOOLL3 - Open Source Motion Graphics

here's Tooll's mission statement ....

TOOLL3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics. We are targeting the sweet spot between real-time rendering, graph-based procedural content generation and linear keyframe animation and editing. This combination allows…
artists to build audio reactive vj content
use advanced interfaces for exploring parameters
or to combine keyframe animation with automation
Technical artists can also dive deeper and use tool for advanced development of fragment or compute shaders or to add input from midi controllers and sensors or sources like OSC or Spout.
We hope to bring together a community of artists, developers and creative tinkerers to drive the design and development of the software as a free open source project.

Here's a bit of mucking about with the Audio Reaction and Triggering events with Midi.. the node approach is intuitive and allows for experimentation and quick rewiring of content. 

here's an example of the node layout ( in focus mode )

With OSC - another host of testing inputs - with the good old TOUCH OSC on the IPad - being a great start to make some novel interfaces - but something that caught my eye was GYROSC - that would output the Accelerometers and other data from the IPad - this is something to explore further - but here's a quick test that opens its potential...

Other key ingredients is SPOUT ( for PC ) and NDI - which opens up bringing and sending content from other software or devices...  here's a NDI Webcam input....

Combined with a good graphics card and some grunt - T3 is very capable of realtime graphics and can push a dense amount of particles or points about, which is always fun...

Loads more to explore on my Tooll3 journey of enquiry - certainly on the list is mixing it up with ComfyUI, Unreal, and Projection Mapping - so I'll keep updating when I make some new stuff...

In the meantime - if you want to wrap your heads around this software there is an amazing community and resources available through their website and youtube channel...

happy Toolling.....